Cinema | Drama
Mommy and Good Parents

Diane 'Die' Després (Anne Dorval) & Steve O'Connor Després (Antoine-Olivier Pilon) in Mommy.
What we learn as parents doesn't always go hand in hand with what we experience in our private sphere. Sometimes we feel insecure, failed and lost anyway.
Why? Where is the flaw?
For what reason, despite there being those who love us with an uncontested and unique love, are we still insecure?
Going back to Mommy, I feel the film is at the heart of this issue. The point is that as much as we love them in a mad, inhuman way and as difficult, centralizing, histrionic as they may be, our children are different from us.
People we feed and then have to detach ourselves violently. When they are not there, by our or their choice, we remain what we have always been, despite this love, when they are small and totally dependent on us, it seems to us the only thing possible. Learning to recognize all this is the real first step towards their identity formation.
To emancipate our children we must first emancipate ourselves from them. Educating a child means preparing him for detachment from us. And here I could mention the ending of this wonderful movie, but I wish you moms would see it so badly that I don't want to spoil anything for you.
Just know that there is a young and brilliant director who loves us and who tells us wonderfully.
The value of a kiss
The first time I saw this video I burst into tears and couldn't stop, and I still often do when I watch and listen to these scenes.
I had never seen Nuovo Cinema Paradiso until a few years ago because it is a film that has never aroused particular interest in me. But in the end, a bit out of curiosity and a bit to get rid of my thoughts, I started watching it, getting bored watching a story that couldn't get in touch with the deepest part of me. That was until I got to the last 4 minutes of the movie, where my perspective totally changed.
The kiss, or rather the kisses that the protagonists of this ending give each other come in my opinion to cover what is the widest possible spectrum of kisses, from that imposed to that sought and desired, from that expected to the one torn almost by force or shared with extreme care and delicacy.
So what is a kiss? What value does it have within a couple, and what does it communicate?
As Cyrano de Bergerac said in the play of the same name by Edmond Rostand:
“Ma poi che cosa è un bacio?
Un giuramento fatto un poco più da presso,
un più preciso patto,
una confessione che sigillar si vuole,
un apostrofo rosa messo tra le parole t’amo”
Personally, I agree with Cyrano, also thanks to something I have recently rediscovered thanks to the person I love, that is, the value of a kiss.
When we kiss, we are opening the door of our soul to the person in front of us who, at least in theory, should do the same thing, even if this does not always happen.
The value of the kiss is therefore enormous precisely as a concession of trust through the sharing of what is inside two souls. When this does not happen, however, one of the two parties or both of them immediately notice it, unable to perceive if not in a small part what is the level of empathy of both. All this puts the very essence of the couple at risk, which has always been based on this very fact.
So let's rediscover the kiss as an effective communication tool through the feelings expressed by individual people.
The value of kissing communication is very high, and Nuovo Cinema Paradiso is perhaps the best expression of it, bringing together in the video here what are probably the best kisses in the history of the cinema of the past. And, in addition to evoking the dormant feelings we have inside, this is precisely the greatest communication that the final part of this film manages to give, picturing a world that no longer exists and making us understand how much everything has changed today compared to then. Back then, when a kiss was a treasure. Waiting for it to return to be hopefully soon.
Only Lovers Left Alive
Expectations & Reality with 500 Days of Summer
Expectations & Reality: educative short story about human relations field /// from the movie 500 Days of Summer with Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) e Summer (Zooey Deschanel), music by Regina Spektor – Hero.
Sweet disposition
never too soon
oh reckless abandon
like no one’s watching you
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
a kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
so stay there
cause i’ll be coming over
and while our blood’s still young
it’s so young, it runs
and won’t stop til it’s over
won’t stop to surrender
songs of desperation
I played them for you
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
a kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
so stay there
cause i’ll be coming over
and while our blood’s still young
it’s so young, it runs
and won’t stop til it’s over
won’t stop to surrender
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
a kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs (won’t stop til it’s over)
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
a kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs(won’t stop til it’s over)
a moment, a love
a dream, aloud
a kiss, a cry
our rights, our wrongs (won’t stop til it’s over)
a dream, aloud
a dream, aloud
a moment, a love
a moment, a love (won’t stop to surrender)